Configuring Roles and User Access Rights

Configuring Access Rights for Roles or Users

When adding users to foxEnterprise, the access rights for the user must be configured. This is done either through assigning them to a role or alternatively by configuring a unique set of access rights for the individual user.

This article explains how to configure the access rights for a role or a user.

Configuring a Role:

  1. Login as the Super Administrator (your 4 letter agency code)
  2. Select the Admin module
  3. Select the Users tab
  4. Under Roles, choose Add (for a new role) or Edit (for an existing role)
  5. Apply and configure the required access rights (see table below for detailed descriptions of each function)
  6. Click the top Save button to apply changes to the current Function. NOTE: selecting another function without clicking save will lose the changes you have made to this function
  7. Click the bottom Save button to apply all changes to all functions

Assigning access rights to a User:

  1. Login as the Super Administrator (your 4 letter subscriber code)
  2. Select the Admin module
  3. Select the Users tab
  4. Under Users, choose Add (for a new user) or Edit (for an existing user)
  5. EITHER assign a Role:
    1. Check "Has Role/s"
    2. Select the required Role. NOTE: Assign only a single role to a user. Multiple roles will have conflicting access rights, leading to confusing or unexpected results
  6. OR assign a unique set of access rights:
    1. Uncheck "Has Role/s"
    2. Apply and configure the required access rights (see table below for detailed descriptions of each function)
    3. Click the top Save button to apply changes to the current Function. NOTE: selecting another function without clicking save will lose the changes you have made to this function
    4. Click the bottom Save button to apply all changes to all functions


  • Scroll down towards the bottom of the list and configure the required "MENU" functions first

  • After choosing the required menu items, configure the Add/Delete/Edit/View rights for those menus you have enabled

Access Rights Functions:

The following table lists and describes all of the access rights functions:

Accounts - Viewable Through Contract Allows the user to view the accounts associated with a contract. Typically only used by someone in a finance type role
Activity - Add Allows the user to add activities. Additional configuration enables filtering of the staff this applies to: All, Mine or specific
Activity - Delete Allows the user to delete activities. Additional configuration enables filtering of the staff this applies to: All, Mine or specific
Activity - Edit Allows the user to edit activities. Additional configuration enables filtering of the staff this applies to: All, Mine or specific
Activity - View Allows the user to view activities. Additional configuration enables filtering of the staff this applies to: All, Mine or specific
Activity Group - Add Allows the user to add activity groups.
Activity Group - Delete Allows the user to delete activity groups.
Activity Group - Edit Allows the user to edit activity groups.
Activity Group - Manage Allows the user to configure and manage activity groups under Admin > Activities.
Activity Group - View Allows the user to view activity groups.
Commissions - Edit Account Commission Allows the user to edit commissions for accounts (eg. agents). Typically only used by someone in a finance type role
Commissions - Edit Contract Commission Allows the user to edit commissions for contracts. Typically only used by someone in a finance type role
Commissions - Edit Listing Commission Allows the user to edit commissions for listings. Typically only used by someone in a finance type role
Commissions - Edit Project Commission Allows the user to edit commissions for projects. Typically only used by someone in a finance type role
Contact - Add Allows the user to add contacts.
Contact - Delete Allows the user to delete contacts. Additional configuration enables filtering of the staff and contact categories this applies to: All, Mine or specific
Contact - Edit Allows the user to edit contacts. Additional configuration enables filtering of the staff and contact categories this applies to: All, Mine or specific
Contact - View Allows the user to view contacts. Additional configuration enables filtering of the staff and contact categories this applies to: All, Mine or specific
Contract - Add Allows the user to add contracts.
Contract - Delete Notes Allows the user to delete notes from contracts. NOTE: there is no function to delete entire contracts
Contract - Edit Allows the user to edit contracts. Additional configuration enables filtering of the staff and external agents this applies to: All, Mine or specific
Contract - View Allows the user to view contracts. Additional configuration enables filtering of the staff and external agents this applies to: All, Mine or specific
Document - Add Allows the user to add documents.
Document - Delete Allows the user to delete documents. 
Document - Edit Allows the user to edit documents.
Document - View Allows the user to view documents. Additional configuration enables filtering of the document categories this applies to
Export - Disable Listing Export Disables the users ability to export listings
Leasing - Disable Contacts With View Rights Disables the ability for the user to view the leasing contact details, when they have rights to view a leasing
Leasing/Listing - Add Allows the user to add listings & leasings.
Leasing/Listing - Delete Allows the user to delete listings & leasings. Additional configuration enables filtering of the staff this applies to: All, Mine or specific
Leasing/Listing - Edit Allows the user to edit listings & leasings. Additional configuration enables filtering of the staff this applies to: All, Mine or specific
Leasing/Listing - View Allows the user to view listings & leasings. Additional configuration enables filtering of the staff this applies to: All, Mine or specific
Listing - Disable Vendor With View Rights Disables the ability for the user to view the listing vendor details when they have rights for view a  listing
Menu - Activities Allows the user to view the Activities module
Menu - Admin Allows the user to view the Admin module. Typically only for a user in a system administration role.
Menu - Contacts Allows the user to view the Contacts module
Menu - Contract Administration Allows the user to view the Contracts module. Typically only for a user in a contracts administration role.
Menu - Documents Allows the user to view the Documents module
Menu - Download Allows the user to view the Tools > Download function. Typically only for a user in a system administration role.
Menu - Export Allows the user to view the Tools > Import/Export > Export function. Typically only for a user in a system administration role.
Menu - Financials Allows the user to view the Financials module. Typically only for a user in a financial role.
Menu - Leasing Allows the user to view the Leasing (for rent) module
Menu - Listings Allows the user to view the Listings (for sale) module
Menu - Projects Allows the user to view the Projects module
Menu - Properties Allows the user to view the Properties (property management) module
Menu - Reports Allows the user to view the Reports module
Menu - Upload Allows the user to view the Upload module. Typically only for a user in a system administration role.
Project - Add Allows the user to add projects.
Project - Delete Allows the user to delete projects. Additional configuration enables filtering of the staff this applies to: All, Mine or specific
Project - Edit Allows the user to edit projects. Additional configuration enables filtering of the staff this applies to: All, Mine or specific
Project - View Allows the user to view projects. Additional configuration enables filtering of the staff this applies to: All, Mine or specific
Property - Add Allows the user to add properties.
Property - Delete Allows the user to delete properties. Additional configuration enables filtering of the staff this applies to: All, Mine or specific
Property - Edit Allows the user to edit properties. Additional configuration enables filtering of the staff this applies to: All, Mine or specific
Property - View Allows the user to view properties. Additional configuration enables filtering of the staff this applies to: All, Mine or specific
User Profile - Edit Allows the user to edit their user profile under Admin > Users.  
User Profile - View Allows the user to view their user profile under Admin > Users.  NOTE: this function is required for SalesCRM access
WorkFlow Engine - Show Status Allows the user to view the status of the Workflow Manager (running or stopped)

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